My name is __________ and I am a porn addict. I have been addicted to pornography since I was 12 years, I am now __ years old, which makes it _ years of addiction. Pornography is getting the best out of me. It is making me so weak, brain numb and bringing out so much negativity out of me. I use to be a really smart student, but since I turned 18 years old it seems as if I can't do anything right anymore due to the affects I'm suffering from pornography. I am talking about the loss of seeds. The after effects have gotten much worse for me and I still can't stop watching pornography. . . . if it wasn't for porn I would've gotten really high marks and gotten scholarships and would've been going to a better university . . . .I'm worried that it is going to destroy . . . my social life, my education, my relationship with my family, basically everything that matter to me the most. P L E A S E H E L P M E ! ! !
Greetings in Jesus' name.
THERE IS HELP AND VICTORY FOR YOU. There is no doubt you can and will be set free, but there is only one way -- you are going to have to become a Bible-defined Christian.
You are addicted to SIN. It is SIN that is wrecking your life. The problem is therefore spiritual and needs to be addressed with spiritual medicine. The ONLY remedy is the BLOOD OF JESUS, which you will contact when you sincerely repent and place a submissive faith in JESUS for your salvation. If you were once saved and backslid to this present condition, you need to be saved again. No adulterer is saved from the fires of Hell, according to JESUS (Mt. 5:28,29).
Number 1: After you sincerely repent, ask God for mercy and TRUST JESUS for your soul’s salvation, then DESTROY all porn you presently have and cancel all porn subscriptions, etc. MAKE UP YOUR MIND here and now that you will NOT look at it again ever as long as you live.
Number 2: Please know that TV is a lust generator. Therefore you need to shut off TV. Also, stop listening to music that would generate immoral thoughts because of its lyrics.
In the place of TV and secular music, MEMORIZE SCRIPTURE and READ/STUDY THE BIBLE. Memorizing Scripture will help through your entire life and it is something that ALL CHRISTIANS SHOULD DO.
When the devil tempts you to commit adultery with porn go over to a fireplace or stove and get close to the fire and think about the pain and agony of hell.
This is VERY SERIOUS and for ALL ETERNITY. You are fighting the forces of darkness that want your soul in hell. YOU MUST GET SERIOUS ABOUT THESE RESPONSIBILITIES or you will be lost. Your earthly life will also be ruined.
We know people who were addicted to porn at one time and got the victory through these things. You WILL TOO, if you do them. Draw near to God and he'll draw near to you.
If you are going to a church that teaches eternal security you need to leave it as fast as possible. This is vital too.
Here are some other stories and materials related to this spiritual attack on your soul
Pornography, Lust and Salvation
Letter From A Man Struggling With Pornographic Lust
Lust: Another Name For Adultery
Help! I’m Struggling With Pornography Addiction
Write us back in a month and let us know how things are going. GOD BLESS YOU.
Struggling With Pornography, 4
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