I Saw The Truth Of A Conditional Security For The Believer
I was an eternal security proponent for 31 years. How all this got started was 6 years ago when my best friend died. Though I was a member of the Baptist Church and said I was a Christian my life didn’t reflect it.
I did
more to hurt Christ than build. After my friend Gene died I went to the Bible for answers. I found Jesus. My life has been changed forever. I know I have to have Jesus and I am nothing without him.
People saw a change in me and I was nominated to be a deacon and served for three years. I was chairman my last year. I was asked to teach new Christians on growing in the faith. I went to the Bible and trying to find things that would show new Christians how important it is to read the Bible. I was looking at the Baptist Doctrine and saying if you’re once saved always saved why do anything? Why tithe? Why witness?
I saw in the New Testament where Jesus said if you stand firm to the end you will be saved. But what if I don’t?
I saw the last 2 verses in James and 2 Peter 3:17. All of these
warnings didn’t make sense. I called a good friend who was of another Church. He was a Preacher and we never talked about it. I called him and said I have some questions on salvation. Can we have lunch at my house—I really want to talk. He brought about 10 sheet of paper and his Bible. He let me start. I said I have questions about some Bible verses. I had been up late the past 2 nights kind of upset. I needed answers.
The Bible did not line up with Baptist Doctrine. I showed him my verses I had in question and on those 10 sheets of paper were a lot of the same verses. I went from being kind of upset thinking I wasn’t reading the Bible right to just great joy because the Bible really made sense.
The Bible tells us the truth will set you free and I can’t even come close to describe how I feel. I showed my wife, kids, mom and dad what the Bible said. (Not what I said the Bible says.) They agreed that a person can wander away or walk away or be drawn away. I tell my kids always go to the Bible. (I still haven’t confronted my preacher yet.) I have asked a few questions and I know how to get a Baptist Preacher talking like a politician—asking him some questions on Bible verses and if a believer can go to hell and mention Rev 21:8 Luke 12:46. I’m very concerned for the people in my Church and other family members. I want God to
use me anyway he can. I know I need to be loving and gentle with the information I have. Thanks again. Your friend in Christ Brad
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