Open Air Preaching And Soul Winning
What you are about to hear [below in audio format] is open air preaching of the
gospel on campus at a university which has
the reputation of being the number 1 party campus in the USA.
During this particular campus preaching session (not the one above),
Dan Corner was cussed at and told to shut up by at least one person. (The profanity was removed and you will not hear what the devil's servant said.) At a different time a male student walked by and flicked his cigarette by Dan. One person, a few feet away, tried to engage Dan in a conversation to throw him off.
There were also students who tried to interfere with the Word of God going forth in different ways such as standing about 15 feet away and laughing and just ignoring the campus preaching, but
there were also about 20 to 30 people standing around who seemed to be listening intently to the Word of God. These are important truths for soul winners to remember. Biblical
holiness preaching stirs sinful people up.
Not everyone has a heart for truth. Too many love the pleasures of
sin, that will drag them to
hell in the end, unless they
repent. Sadly, some are too blind to come to Jesus and God’s salvation. Also, even when the Lord and his apostles were here spreading the vital message of salvation, not everyone received it. Many rejected the truth and persecuted God’s servants. God’s servants, however, must remember that and also that God’s word never returns void. No person can hear God’s truth and walk away the same. He will either be spiritually hardened or will be spiritually softened by God’s truth.
This message was tailored for college students, but is relevant for anyone. GOD BLESS YOU.
Campus Preaching (mp3)
Previous Campus Preaching
Part 1 (mp3)
Part 2 (mp3)
Part 3 (mp3)
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