Is Jack Van Impe Now A
Secret Roman Catholic?

Dan Corner

Jack Van Impe has been exalting and endorsing the present and previous popes, as well as Catholicism as a whole, especially on the April 16th and 23rd (2005) TV broadcasts. The differences between Roman Catholicism and Bible teaching Protestant churches are secondary, according to Jack Van Impe and his wife. The main points to consider, according to Jack Van Impe, are:

the virgin birth of Christ
the deity of Christ
the blood sacrifice
the bodily resurrection and
Christ's return.

Jack Van Impe Overlooks
Other Roman Catholic Doctrine

Is Jack Van Impe really giving out the truth about Roman Catholicism? Shouldn't we also consider the plan of salvation declared by Rome and Mary's importance in that? Should we trust in, pray to and look to the Catholic sinless Mary for help, deliverance and salvation? Without question, various Popes have trusted in Mary for their salvation and were guilty of idolatry! They were NOT serving God at all, as they stumbled many precious souls into hell.

Catholic Beliefs

For Catholicism to openly proclaim their Mary as “our life, sweetness and hope” and then for Jack Van Impe to reduce that as a secondary issue is far from good! Could Jack Van Impe possibly be right about that? NEVER, but that remains part of Catholicism's mariology, and Jack Van Impe doesn't seem concerned! Doesn't the Bible teach that Jesus alone is our life, sweetness and hope? YES, but why deny that salvation truth? Without question, the Mary of Catholicism is not the Mary of the Bible and true salvation is only found in Jesus to whom we go directly without first going to Mary. Mary is NOT the dispenser of grace!

These and many other primary differences with Roman Catholicism are revealed in our book, “Is This The Mary of the Bible.” Order a copy for a friend as well as yourself today.

249 pages contrasting the Mary of Catholicism with the Mary of the Holy Bible.

To order, click the book


Jack Van Impe Gets The Skull And Crossbones Award

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