The Deceitful
Mark of the Beast Movies

"The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with the work of Satan
displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders, and in

Dan Corner

Christian Movies Do NOT Equal Truth

Our days are very perilous and filled with deceit, especially from popular Christian movies. As destructive as popular false prophets and false teachers can be, far worse are the popular, end times pre trib rapture and Mark of the Beast movies. The acting, as well as the memorable, action-packed scenes, images and sounds, have produced spiritual deception as it has also yielded movie sales and profits.

Hardly much of anything in movies is scriptural, except for the mention of certain biblical terms and events. Unfortunately, even decades after viewing such movies, many professing Christians seem to think our end time events are going to unfold just as they saw in their favorite movie. As a consequence, they are left wide open to various Mark of the Beast deceptions.

Consider the many pre trib rapture movies. Their collective negative impact has been staggering, as multitudes of Christians have been duped into thinking they will not even be here to see the Mark of the Beast but, instead, will be snatched away beforehand in the rapture. Why? Not because of scripture, but because of what they saw in the movies. The Bible, for many in our day, seems to have been replaced with "Christian" movies.

Has even one of the end time movies ever shown the Mark of Beast surfacing from a fake pandemic and toxic, untested, unapproved and gene-altering vaccines, "necessary" (forced on the people) in order to travel, go to work, attend large gatherings, and otherwise "get back to normal"? Answer: NONE to my knowledge! These movies have mostly been tools of the devil to subtly mislead and set up our generation for lethal deception about the soon coming Mark of the Beast.

As of right now in March 2021, there is already a scannable vaccination mark on the right hand of some of the vaccine recipients in Israel, enabling them to get past the guard to enter a shopping area. How could the hour be so late and the evidence so clear and, yet, so many cannot even see it? In reality, we are getting very close to the actual point where no one will be able to "buy or sell" without such a mark on the right hand or forehead (Rev. 13:16,17). The devil has certainly used "Christian" movies to deceive multitudes while some involved have gotten very rich and popular through them at the expense of precious souls.

As we now know, the need for the well-known RFID chip is old technology; they now have the invisible-to-the-naked-eye quantum dot tattoo (QDT) with LUCIFERase coming via the microneedle "smart patch" vaccine, which looks like a piece of velcro on a band-aid. This smart patch can even be self-administered and will place an invisible-to-the-naked-eye mark on the body at the same time as the vaccine. This QDT bodily mark will be the proof of vaccination ID and will replace both the current vaccination card as well as the digital proof of vaccine (or "vaccine passports"). This final step is coming soon. The development of this QDT bodily vaccination mark technology was the very reason Bill Gates went to MIT. It is now speeding its way to the forefront and, according to ID2020 Alliance, one will have to participate in their system (which means to vaccinate) in order to"buy or sell," just as the Bible states would happen with the Mark of the Beast (Rev. 13:16,17).

Certain doctors and scientists have discussed the possibility of the self-administering, band-aid like microneedle "smart patch" vaccine [ ] being sent to the populace via the post office and other outfits such as Amazon, FedEx, UPS, etc. IF, it occurs like that, with a directive from the "Health Authorities" or any other government agency or even your own doctor, DO NOT PUT IT ON YOURSELF. This too would be the opposite of the dramatic taking the mark depicted in the Hollywood movies.

People Will Be DECEIVED into Receiving the Mark of the Beast

Because of the signs he was given power to do on behalf of the first beast, he DECEIVED the inhabitants of the earth. He ordered them to set up an image in honor of the beast who was wounded by the sword and yet lived. (Rev 13:14)
But the beast was captured, and with him the false prophet who had performed the miraculous signs on his behalf. With these signs he had DELUDED those who had received the mark of the beast and worshiped his image. The two of them were thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur. (Rev 19:20)
Hence, people will NOT readily know it is the mark of the beast they are receiving, like the movies have shown.

Has even one of the end time movies ever shown the Mark of Beast surfacing
from a fake pandemic and toxic, untested, unapproved and gene-altering vaccines,
"necessary" (forced on the people) in order to travel, go to work, attend large gatherings,
and otherwise "get back to normal"?
Answer: NONE to my knowledge!

Quantum Dot Tattoo is an invisible to the naked-eye MARK

The events since the start of 2020 show that the first two seals have already been broken, with the third seal of hyperinflation and famine being very close, while seal 4 includes the faithful being slain (martyred). It is also implied they that were slain for wisely rejecting the mark. Time is very short and people are walking in all kinds of massive deception, much of which is caused by movies. Even the posters and pre-views are enough to mislead people about these end time events.

The ultimate plan of the elitists is to connect humanity to artificial intelligence (AI) in order to monitor and control every person. Their experiment on the population, through this technology, also includes developing and obtaining unending, eternal physical life and good health for themselves. Their faulty hope of such a counterfeit form of 'eternal life' is surely not the true eternal life of the Bible made possible only through the PRECIOUS Lord Jesus Christ (1 Jn. 5:12; Jn. 3:18; etc.). Their blasphemous plan will ultimately fail and, in the end, they themselves will be thrown into the lake of burning sulfur.

On their way to dominate and change the world, they are also destroying the earth in the process. Consequently, God will, in turn, destroy them (Rev. 11:18). Very serious trouble will start for them, especially after the POST trib rapture when the wrath of God hits this planet.

The saints need to KNOW that there is no eternal security (Rev. 14:9-12; James 5:19,20; Gal. 6:8,9; Heb. 3:14, etc.), no pre trib rapture (2 Thess. 1-3; Mark 13:24-27; etc.) and that the infamous mark of the beast (Rev. 13:16-18) is getting very close and must be rejected at all costs in order to avoid unending eternal torment in the fiery lake of burning sulfur (Rev. 14:9-12).

The faithful will be taken into captivity and beheaded; they must patiently endure and remain faithful to Jesus to the very end (Rev. 13:10; 20:4; Heb. 3:14; etc.). For the overcomers, PARADISE itself is getting very close, and thinking of the big picture will help with all of this current distress and oppression of the saints (Dan. 7:25), all of which will only intensify. Please do not allow any so-called "Christian" movie, teaching, testimony, vision, dream, "prophet", news report, etc. to mislead you away from the biblical message and our PRECIOUS Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Prepare your heart to die for your faith in JESUS.

Again, in contrast to what is shown in the movies, the antichrist does not have to be openly and ceremoniously revealed before the issuance of the mark of the beast. The faithful will be taken into captivity and beheaded; they must patiently endure and remain faithful to Jesus to the very end (Rev. 20:4; 13:10; Heb. 3:14; etc.). For the overcomers, PARADISE itself is getting very close.

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