Out of Yoga and Into JESUS to
Remain Unmarried

Sister Tanya

Jesus is My First Love

Ten years ago, in my lounge room, I fell to the floor broken. I couldn't do life anymore on my own. I was at the end of myself and called out to Jesus for I had seen Jesus' peace inside of a client's broken heart 3 years earlier when her husband died.

Unbelievably and instantly my whole mind was in perfect peace, which I've never felt before. Such pure, tender love pouring into my heart - healing all my long time wounds and out of my belly words came out crying in such happiness mixed with deep sorrow. I said, "I'm so sorry Jesus for doing life without you" - I didn't even know I was repenting.

I never was brought up in the church or any religion. I was into New Age and I was a Yoga teacher. At that time, I believed there were many ways to Heaven. I believed I was a good person since I helped many people feel better and thought all good people definitely go to heaven. Therefore, I didn't consider I was going to hell where only bad people go.

Jesus showed me he had been waiting for me since I was a little baby. Pain, loneliness, confusion, restlessness and hatred all left me, as his love was running through my whole body. It was true happiness and joy with such love that was so pure, innocent, childlike and so dependent on him. I felt he loved me so much, I never feared him then.

It seems like no one really follows Jesus and takes him seriously anymore.
This is so important to him as he loves us so much more
than a mother loves her new born.

He then said to me, serious in authority, showing me the white throne judgement. With all these books that were opened and everything that I have ever done was written down in these books, and then Jesus said seriously, my next step without him was hell; and he commanded me that I must tell everybody this truth.

It seems like no one really follows Jesus and takes him seriously anymore. This is so important to him as he loves us so much more than a mother loves her new born. My life now is totally changed. I've been warning everyone I see. I know that every word of the Bible is true, that he means what he says and the white thrown Judgment in Revelation is terrifying!

Only three years ago I was planning on getting married again. I've been divorced for 20 plus years. I was a non-believer when I got divorce (and when I got married), so I didn't think remarrying again would be an issue with God. I would read the Bible daily, but never did I think for me to get remarried, while Jim (my first husband) was still alive was forbidden. I thought I obeyed him in all I did.

Kissing Before Marriage

At that time, three years ago, I fell in love with Steven and we where planning our wedding, but I lost my peace and couldn't pray intimately with Jesus anymore. I seriously contemplated this and wondered, "what sin am I in, Lord"? Often, Steven and I would kiss, I would feel bad, and even repent, but we never had sex. One time when we were kissing and as we were also saying goodnight, we both heard a very loud thunder clap! It was right on top of us and it interrupted us. I looked down the street and in the middle of the road, I had a vision of enormously large flames of fire. As the Lord was showing me, he was angry with me. It was Hell's fire for me, if I didn't stop.

I feared the Lord and departed from all known sin. I cried and repented with all my heart. I stop kissing Steven. He, consequently, left me, as he wasn't convicted of any sin. I was alone, but at peace which meant more than temporal happiness. I deeply wanted to do right by Jesus, my first love, and go to heaven not hell fire.

A Testimony of Repentance From Remarriage Adultery

Must Remain Unmarried

I was looking through my Facebook and a brother posted that to be remarried while my first spouse is still alive is ongoing ADULTERY. I said, "No, it couldn't be". Then this brother and I spoke and he showed me all the scriptures that Jesus gave. I couldn't believe what I was reading. I couldn't believe that I skimmed over these SIMPLE WORDS OF JESUS and didn't notice what he said.

I was so convicted to remain unmarried or be reconciled back to my first husband, because while your true husband is still alive, if you remarry another it's SERIOUS ADULTERY. I'm happy to serve the Lord unmarried. The peace and love of Jesus is greater than any love you can have from any person.

Such are the laws of heaven and we must obey if we want eternal life and remain pure hearted to stay abiding in the Vine. No matter what my flesh wants, no matter how hard my flesh wants to be loved, no matter how hard this life gets, we must obey the Father's will. Jesus said, it is only those who do that who are his spiritual mother, brothers and sisters. Those who do the will of the Father to the end will enter heaven and the road is narrow. I tremble at his word now. I take every word of Jesus seriously. Adultery is a sin unto death and the unforgiven will be cast into hell. See Matthew 19:9; 1 Cor 7:10; Rom. 7:2; Luke 16:18; Mark 10:11,12; Mark 10:8.

Fornication (KJV) in Matthew 19:9 is not sexual immorality INSIDE the marriage. It's in the betrothal BEFORE THE MARRIAGE. They called each other wife and husband in the betrothal period back in Jesus' time. Many misunderstand that verse.


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