Christian Testimonies of Changed Lives

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Real Christian Testimonies To Be
Helped, Blessed and Instructed By

I Was Lethally Deceived By The Heresy of Once Saved Always Saved
I Was Saved Again and Instantly Delivered from My Sin Addictions
I Resigned as a Baptist Deacon Over Eternal Security Heresy
I Thought Eternal Security Kept Me Safe As An Occasional Drunkard
Real conversion goes back to drugs and Satan worship
The Prodigal Child Who Experienced God's Extravagant Grace
Appalled by eternal security slander
I would be excommunicated for preaching contrary to John Calvin
Fell into sin, but never questioned salvation
Life long temptation for suicide ended
Headed for Hell as a Homosexual
Adultery, Divorce And An Illegitimate Marriage
I have finally come to the knowledge of the truth
Reformed doctrine taught her despair
I have re-examined my Christian walk; my eyes have been opened
Thank you for shedding the light on the truth
You may be responsible for saving me from fire
She was Spirit led to us and our site
Bringing men of God back to the standard of holiness
Interview Dan Corner regarding exorcism
A "big fan of our verse after verse preaching without telling fables."
Once saved always saved is the poison that is killing off the church
I am indeed in fear and trembling for my own ways

From Roman Catholicism to Christ

Serbian Orthodox to Christ

Saved out of a liberal "Christian" church
Believing in the doctrine of lost salvation
You have given me relief about the unforgiveable sin and blasphemy
Your website has strengthened my faith and helped me to confirm many deadly deceptions about the Catholic Church
Your book has been an awesome study

==>Support Evangelical Outreach And Share In Our Abundant Fruit

Blessed and greatly encouraged by your book
Many equate Calvinism with Christianity and would lose their faith, if Calvinism were taken away
I don't believe OSAS and it is a very lonely life!
Raised in a Southern Baptist church but didn't know about holiness
I thought I was saved but remained in my sin
A gospel that makes sense
Calvinists are a really nasty group of people
The alarming articles on lust, adultery and remarriage
I love you all
The enemy is relentless with a deep hatred for righteousness
I appreciate men such as yourself who stand for the Truth in these times
God has raised you up as preacher against darkness
Your website is helping me see the Biblical truth
Your articles have revived me
Truth is abounding in you
The very best I have read anywhere
A renewed fear of God and getting deeper understanding of his word
I am asking you to be my spiritual father
Thank God for your faithfulness in proclaiming the truth
This book opened my eyes and absolutely changed my life
Somehow God personally gift wrapped it
An answer to all my prayers
I read your book in 3-1/2 days.
Your site is a brilliant resource that is so sorely needed to wake the church up.
You remind me so much of a modern day John the Baptist.
I am full of joy with what I have read on your site
Your message is much needed in today's church.
You chewed them up with God's Word.
Jesus is using you to re-instill the presence of the Lord in many people's lives like mine.
My son brought home one of your Heaven/Hell tracts which changed my life.
Thank God for you and His leading me to this site.
After I read the books by Dan Corner my life and world have now changed.
God knows how your act of love touched me.
Thanks for your Internet Church.
No eternal security book: A call to Holiness
Evangelical Outreach helped me with material
The God You Can Know! (From Catholicism, drug addictions and jail to Christ)
Raised in Saddleback Church, suicide, OCD
Your courage and strength makes us stronger
Your books about eternal security have been a real blessing to me
The more I realize how deceived I was regarding true/false Christians!
You are truly one of God's John the Baptist prophets of this day
Keep Standing against all these wolves in Sheep's clothing
Audio Testimonies--Freed From OSAS
Read more testimonies 0210
Read more testimonies 0310
Read many more testimonies
Testimony of a former 5 point Calvinist
Your internet church is our church
I now believe that I can effectively refute this false doctrine
You opened my eyes
A spiritual timebomb (eternal security)
Priest comes out of Catholicism
Prisoner and new Christian speaks out
Today pastors are actively courting those who teach a license to sin
As I have studied the Word more and more, my beliefs are rapidly changing.
The pastor came out blazing
I renounced my former way of life and came running back to God
I'm convinced that that doctrine can't be of God
I found your web page so interesting
My sunday school teacher flat out said that he could go kill someone tomorrow and still go to heaven
I Do Not Believe In The OSAS Lie Anymore
Melissa was abused, deeply unhappy, had no peace and engaged in wickedness (mp3)
David lived immorally because of false doctrine (mp3)
Former Southern Baptist speaks out about eternal security (mp3)
Eternal security is apostasy's advocate (mp3)
A prison chaplain testifies about eternal security (mp3)
Henry backslides because of eternal security (mp3)
Prisoner testimony
Baptist pastor turns from eternal security
Thought that I could go on sinning and be saved
Testimony and resignation from the Baptist church
Your website is changing my life
Your book changed my life
I was saved--my church had taught me that
This type of teaching leads to destruction and I will fight it till I die
Saved from eternal fire
I hated those who denied eternal security
The first false doctrine to fall was eternal security
I became almost obsessed with my need to know whether or not eternal security was true
You help steer a soul back to the narrow gate
Delighted to find such an exhaustive work under one cover of this demonic and pervasive security doctrine
Two months ago I believed OSAS, only because that is what I have been taught since I was saved
I have recently been converted by reading your book
Thank you again for converting a Calvinist to Christ!
OSAS is not scriptural
The TRUE grace message
OSAS is not what God's Word says
I have re-examined my "Christian walk"
Thank you for putting the truth out there for me
You are the only one who refuted it and rightly so
Grew Up On Charles Stanley But Is Now Repenting Of Sins
Your book has been very helpful to this Calvinist
Your book is an incredible eye-opener
Your book has created a new walk with God
Set free from false Reformed theology of eternal security
Reformed drug addict believed once saved always saved (OSAS)
Peace at last
The most sincere, scriptural refutation
A work of art ...
This book caused a revival in my life
The scales have been lifted
I'm so grateful
Thank you for helping me see the truth

I would just like to take a few moments to say that your website has been a great blessing to me. I purchased your book on Conditional security and have finally come to the knowledge of the truth. Thank you. Please respond to this email because I have been worried. If a believer does the thing listed in Revelation 22:19 is there forgiveness? Or is it eternal sin? Thank you for your time.

After an elder was given print outs at his church from an eternal security organization, he found our ministry in the search results, at which time he realized that "once saved always saved is the poison that is killing off the church; it destroys God's message and meaning of salvation."

Recently a man in New Mexico heard our preaching on youtube and was inspired. He had learned about our book a while ago but when he heard Dan preach, he said he wants to meet/know us because we are on the same course. He is a "big fan of our verse after verse preaching without telling fables."

A young woman asked to interview Dan through email regarding exorcism for a school project. She said it helped her a lot.

A friend told us that his pastor gave us credit in a recent sermon for eliminating all doubt about the essential nature of holiness and for bringing men of God back to the standard of holiness.

A man from Idaho told us that we may be responsible for saving him from fire, and because of this he has been sharing anti-OSAS teaching and is a conduit for our book.

A Scotland woman told us she was Spirit led to us and our site when her family was victimized by her pastor for not agreeing that OSAS was a biblical teaching. She believes that today's church problems stem from the rampant OSAS teaching. They now openly use our materials to witness to anyone who will listen. They are proudly being persecuted for God's truth and thank us for helping them stay firm to that truth with our website. She wonders if there are any churches in her country that we know of. They cannot find a pastor willing to teach once saved is not always saved. She is staying at home to study with a few true Christians rather than to listen to lies amongst many.

A former OSAS supporter writes, "Thank you for shedding the light on the truth for me. I am now a supporter of, not eternal security, but conditional security."

A former Calvinist woman from South Africa told us the only thing the Reformed doctrine taught her was despair because they say Jesus is the reason for every bad thing like sickness, poverty, accidents, rape and their doctrine of once saved always saved (OSAS) and predestination. She also stated our website is the only website she trusts.

I am indeed in fear and trembling for my own ways, and my former lusts and pleasures. I have been such a servant of my flesh and its sin nature so long, I am very susceptible to temptation [if] it's too much. I keep reading Dan's articles and am more and more convicted. It really is almost too much, but I'm glad I'm hearing it now and have the opportunity to do something about it. May God in Jesus Christ surely help me! I would like to send your Good Fight newsletter to all the members of my church fellowship. It's probably around 300-400 names, and I can provide you with an electronic copy of them all. How much would it cost me to have this newsletter sent to them all? I am no longer going to support my local congregation with my financial fellowship, and am quickly having many of the doors of fellowship closed to my new understanding. (What fellowship has the light with darkness?) I'm not sure exactly what to do or where to go, but I'm not worried about that. For the FIRST TIME IN MY CHRISTIAN LIFE, I'm willing to stand all alone if necessary. Only God in Jesus Christ help me! Amen. Thanks again for being faithful, Dan. I know none of this originates from you, but is from heaven. I'm becoming more convinced and convicted all the time. I'm trembling in my heart for my ways all the day long ...

AWESOME thank you so much for taking so much stress off my mind, for I strongly thought that I may have committed the unforgivable sin. I would never start believing that about Jesus Christ but I do admit that I might have intrusive thoughts about blaspheming the Holy Spirit and sometimes just think it to relieve the stress but I have never let go of Jesus Christ or his beloved father. My life is an open book to God and thank goodness that you have given me relief.

Sir, I thank you for the great work that you are doing to contend for the Gospel. Your website has not only strengthened my faith but it has helped me to confirm many deadly deceptions about the Catholic Church that God has shown me in the spirit ... Thanks and God bless you and your ministry for your great work of saving souls worldwide. (Uganda)

Dan, I have to say that your book ... has been an awesome study for my wife and I. We find it amazing that with all the scriptural proof that people still believe once saved always saved?

Hello Brother Corner. I have been blessed and greatly encouraged by your book, The Believer's Conditional Security. I am a bi-vocational pastor of a small congregation ... God bless you.

I just want to send a note to say I appreciate your book about the believer's conditional security. I believe that OSAS and other of Calvin's heresies have become a Shibboleth among modern evangelicals. Many equate Calvinism with Christianity and would lose their faith, if Calvinism were taken away. Consequently, they hold to such beliefs with a zealous, yet obstinate attitude. Many preachers do not allow any debate about the topic. Keep up the work. Blessings.

Thank you for the powerful preaching I heard this morning about Grace Changers! I am glad you are warning people that they will suffer persecution if they follow this Way. It isn't easy! My daughters shun me and cause our grandchildren to do the same. One even told me I was devil possessed and evil because I don't believe OSAS. How hurtful is that?! My neighbors will have nothing to do with me ... all of them believe OSAS. It is a very lonely life! The Lord said we would know His people by the love they have for one another. I have seen no evidence of love anywhere among these people. My husband's family are all devout OSAS people who worship (literally) the oldest brother, a retired OSAS preacher. Only my husband has escaped the bondage of this brother and dares to read the Bible for himself, believing what it says. His sisters have slandered me and joined forces with one of our daughters to talk about me, accusing me of leading him astray. We used to be Catholics, but it was he who wanted to go there. Now we have both - seen the light - and have left the Catholic church, but did not go back to the OSAS heresy either. So we are out on a limb by ourselves. We read the Bible together each morning and pray for those who persecute us. We have repented of our sins and turn to Jesus alone for salvation, taking His Word as our only authority. But we don't know where to go to church anymore. I found your page of audio sermons and will content myself with that. Thank you for bravely preaching the truth. Everyone I know are followers of Charles Stanley ... You are a refreshing breeze! God bless you!

I've Been able to understand what true grace is and become a true Christian mostly because I found this website. I had been searching for a while and I finally found a gospel that makes sense and doesn't contradict ANY part of the bible. Thank you for allowing God to work through you.

Thank you very much for your excellent website with such informative information and articles ... The Calvinist heresy is strong in non Roman Catholic churches in Latin America. I am frequently disputing with Calvinist preachers and ministers. Your website has been very helpful to me. Brother Dan Corner's articles in particular are very helpful. I also have been engaged in a debate with Calvinists on the ... website. They are a really nasty group of people, most of whom are totally lacking in Christian love and charity. Thank you again for your excellent website. (Mexico)

Thank you for writing the alarming articles on lust, adultery and remarriage. These articles so clearly present the biblical truth that has unfortunately been so distorted by not only the world but also by the churches that even I as a ten-year Christian find many of your perspectives fresh and awakening.

Brother Dan, I thank you for all you are doing for the body of Christ. You are in all my prayers. I love you all. (Prisoner)

I know it's been awhile, in our busy lives, although I think of you and pray for you continually. I feel our mission is well underway. The enemy is relentless with a deep hatred for righteousness. It's been well over a year now that we crossed paths. I'm the Fortunate One.

Thought I'd drop you a line and tell you how much I appreciate men such as yourself who stand for the Truth in these times. I thank God for you and the fact that you do not waver and do indeed stand firm. There are fewer and fewer men as yourself as the days pass. God bless you for all you do for Him and the Kingdom and I know the reward and treasure that you have sent on ahead and that lies in store for you is appreciable. I know that you look forward to the day you will meet Him face to face and enter in that final time in the Spirit never to come out. I too eagerly anticipate that day dear brother.

Dan, thanks for your truth, and uncompromising ministry, and your honest answers from God's word, I purchased The Believer's Conditional Security, and so far am very impressed with your vast research and passion for the truth, it will help me greatly to defend the lie that most teach about eternal security .... I thank you again for your bold stance for Biblical truth, in a world where truth is not as important than feeling good, and not offending other so called believers, I just wanted to reiterate my appreciation for you and your ministry. I praise God for your unyielding faithfulness to Him and the His Truth ... I believe that God has raised you up as preacher against darkness. In having experienced it myself regarding the deep deception of OSAS, ministries like yours are vital.

I just finished listening to your cd on "Present Day Image Of A Christian". WHAT A GREAT MESSAGE. I am sure it is one of your best. You laid it out beautifully. God is sure using you both in a great way. God bless you both. What a privilege to know you and to have access to your ministry.

Greetings. Wanted to write and tell you how much I value Evangelical Outreach's website. I used to believe in once saved always saved and, even though I am still struggling with once saved always saved, your website is helping me see the Biblical truth...

... Even though I have always believed one could lose ones salvation by turning back and through an ungodly lifestyle, I am seeing how long term contact with OSAS preaching and teaching actually wears one down. Your articles have revived me and brought joy and renewed desire for commitment and holiness of life. And that wearing down effect is a more real danger than I realized. Thank you again!

... it is wonderful to know that the truth that is in us, the 'Treasure in Earthen vessels' is abounding in you. God Bless you and your family and others, time is short, and we must labour, till He comes. (Australia)

Hi, I just want to encourage you. I've been at this Salvation for 40+ years. I want to tell you that the article "Plan of Salvation" is the very best I have ever read anywhere. Well done. I will copy this to my computer, and share the link with others. Praise the Lord.

As I continue to read your book "The Believer's Conditional Security" ... I have a renewed fear of God and am getting a deeper understanding of his word. I wanted to thank you and tell you that without this teaching I believe many who thought they were saved would no doubt have wound up in eternal fire rather than walk in obedient loving faith with their Saviour ... It is in no small part the depth of your book that helped to contribute to me helping [my wife], by the grace of God, coming to the place of seeing the need for a true salvation and an obedient love faith relationship and a need to resist all sin and walk in holiness keeping our heart and eye on Christ with an open ear to follow where he leads. Praise the Lord Jesus and thank you brother, I would hug you if you were here:-) God Bless and prosper your ministry and family brother.

... Evangelist Daniel I am asking you to be my spiritual father. Please adopt me as Apostle Paul adopted Timothy ... I can see now how your biblical exegesis influence on the subject addressed (eternal security) is crucial paramount to my spiritual life. May God be praised ... (South Africa).

... I thank God, for your faithfulness in proclaiming the truth in Jesus despite of all odds.

[The Believer's Conditional Security] is the best book ever written outside of the Scriptures. This book opened my eyes and absolutely changed my life. It is a true light shining into the dark apostasy the world is now in. There are so many deceivers teaching a license for sin today. I thank God for Dan Corner and the ministry God has given him. His weekly internet church has also been a great blessing to me and others as you can clearly see by all of the testimonies and emails on his website.

... I felt very blessed this morning when I received your weekly emails. Upon looking through it I noticed your piece on Terminally ill. I felt as though you sent that specifically to me, somehow God personally gift wrapped it. I hope my mother receives it as I did. Dan, I knew if you, Cheryl and your church were praying for her that God would truly hear it. I'm truly blessed to have you and Cheryl in our lives. May God keep blessing you, Cheryl and your church.

I have read your book, Believer's Conditional Security." I am a boy aged 24 and am doing a diploma in Biblical studies at ... Zimbabwe. When I was about to do a degree in Social Science at ... Zimbabwe, the Lord called me to the ministry and I leave everything to do His will. During my first year, I was always asking God to reveal to me His purpose for calling me to be at such a despised college in the rural area. Now it happened this year ... that I decided to leave the school. I have been taught this doctrine under the principles of Calvinism. The college is all about Calvinism. I could hardly believe that God elects some to salvation -- denying the foreknowledge of God or even making God the author of evil by denying the free will. I prayed to God badly telling Him that I will leave the college soon. Having reached that decision, it happened to me when I was praying, that I discovered the book you wrote, "Eternal Security Refuted" hidden in the shelves of our library. When I read it, it was an answer to all my prayers. All my confusions were solved. God bless you doctor. You don't know me but your book allows me to know you. I wish if I could study under you -- the good teacher of truth. I am thinking of furthering my studies but I could wish if I am just near you in all the studies. I need to be equipped fully under you as Paul under Gamaliel, so that I may tell the world the truth. Help me! I know God is with you! If it may be possible, I wish if you could send me a copy of that book of yours, where the true grace of God has been explained. I need this book to be with me every day, which interprets Scripture with Scripture. God bless you doctor. I will complete my diploma in November 2011. After that I am thinking of continuing with my studies in theology and I could wish if you can help me to be at the right college even where you have studied -- just closer to you doctor. I love you. God bless you doctor! I miss you a lot. ... Hope you shall reply soon. I love you! Yours in Christ. Pray for me also for wisdom of divine truth and spiritual understanding.

Hi, my name is ... At present I am doing double life in a ... prison, but by the grace of God, I am a blood bought, born again child of God, and Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior. About three weeks ago while I was in the day room I found your book, "The Believer's Conditional Security: Eternal Security Refuted." I read it in 3-1/2 days. I just couldn't put it down. I will have been a Christian for almost 26 years and I have never believed in once saved always saved. I personally believe that belief came from the pit of hell. On the prison yard I am at, there are not a dozen brothers who don't believe in once saved always saved doctrine. And no one to my knowledge stands up for what the Bible really teaches. I have talked to a few of those brothers on the yard who believe in this teaching and it really hit me after having read your book, that in a lot of ways it is like ministering to those in the cults in the way they twist and abuse Scriptures or how they often quote their favorite TV preachers. And sadly in most cases they really don't even care what the precious Word of God says period. They just simply want to keep on living like the devil and still believe they are going to heaven. I will be spending a lot more time studying your book so I can be better equipped to contend for the true faith. I have something to ask brother Corner. I have neither friends or family, just a burning desire to stand up for the truth of God's word. Would it be possible to get your two small books (in English), "The Gospel According to Charles Stanley" and "Unmasking John MacArthur's Calvinistic Version of Saving Faith." I desire to better be able to defend the faith. Well I will close this letter for now. God bless you in all you are doing. You are in my prayers always. I thank the Lord for you. Because of Jesus.

Thank you for your site, I have been a great fan for some time now and believe your site is a brilliant resource that is so sorelyneeded to wake the church up.

I do want to thank you personally Dan & Cheryl for your website. I'm hear to tell you words cannot explain how you have helped me spiritually with my walk with the Lord Jesus Christ. You remind me so much of a modern day John the Baptist. I work with ... and we often times talk about you. Thanks. God Bless.

Please send me information or e-mail me about once saved always saved. I am truly hurting about having to leave a church because they believe you can never lose your salvation. ... I am full of joy with what I have read on your site about "True Salvation."

I just wanted to send you a quick e-mail to let you know that your website is great and so is your message. It is a much needed message in today's church. Eternal Security is taking over today's churches and pulpits and saturating the Christian media, from Study Bibles to commentaries. Thank you for trying to get the truth out there. I have been working on doctorate and my thesis is a Biblical critique of the 5 points of Calvinism and Dan Corner's book has been very helpful to me. Thanks and keep up the fight.

You chewed them up with God's Word. Dave Hunt needs to read Ezekiel 18:24. This guy I knew his dad was a pastor & evangelist 20 yrs, and then left his mother & the family, and womanized for years. He swore he was still saved. How can that be? I don't care how much u REPENT, if u keep living in sin, u will [not] go to Heaven. Christ can blot your name out the book of life.

I read a page of Conditional Security of the Believer daily after my one year bible and when I go to prayer fear and trembling accompany me. So now I know Paul's fear and trembling did not come from malaria as some who can't understand have concluded. I only wish all saints had this blessing of perfecting holiness in the fear of the Lord. The Lord Jesus is using you to re-instill the presence of the Lord in many people's lives like mine. Never been freer, truer to the Lord as now, due to the understanding of true grace according to the scriptures!! Thank you again my brother ... ps also I thank the Lord the poor have the gospel preached to them through all the teachings you make available for free!!!

I want to tell you that I have never stopped praying for ... Evangelical Outreach. Your tapes, CDs and DVDs are still a great blessing to me. It must have been about 3 years ago now when my son brought home one of your Heaven/Hell tracts which changed my life. I had never heard anything but OSAS doctrine. Never give up proclaiming the truth.

... Thank you for this website, thank God for you and His leading me to this site.

I would like to tell you about my testimony after reading The Believer's Conditional Security and The Myth of Eternal Security. I was unable to make a decision between OSAS and one's Losing Salvation. Every book I purchased on both subjects was either biased to one degree or another plus being wholly inadequate in regard to each other's complete position. (ex. Charles Stanley's Eternal Security-Can   you be Sure.) I had prayed for over one year asking God to show me the truth beyond a shadow of a doubt with a comprehensive book that would once and for all settle the subject on salvation. God answered my prayers, over and above anything I could have imagined or expected! After I read the above mentioned books (major comprehensive) by Dan Corner my life and world have now changed. I now know that one can lose salvation! So now I have to be about the Father's business. God bless!

... I wrote you about two months ago to receive literature and you graciously sent me ... your books. I know that these have monetary value that I could not buy at this moment as I wish I could. The blessing it was to receive all that you sent is more than [my] tonguecan express. Your love was the love of Christ. It humbled me so much. I felt so very grateful and thankful and still do. Your grace of love made me cry and give thanks and praise to our Father ... thank you so very much. I appreciate your act of love and kindness tremendously. I was in awe that you sent me that much! A blessing from above. Your act has much heavenly value. You will receive your rewards. God knows how your act of love touched me. ... It touched me so much when I looked through the books and saw that you give permission to copy your books for distribution but not to sell. ... I couldn't understand why any Christian writer or any writer who touches lives with their writing would not do the same. ... I know that you write the truth of the Holy Scriptures. I agree with all I've read thus far. It is biblical. OSAS is not. OSAS is a doctrine that is damning many to Hell . It is gross, tearful, and an utter shame toward all our Savior did ... OSAS individuals I've met all my life have been sinful, justifiers of sin, in bondage and in no way can claim Christ-likeness. ... Your labor, sacrifices, and investment to Christianity is appreciated by me and others. ... I thank you once more for your great gracious blessing to me. Your kindness and love will always be appreciated and talked of by me. You will have many referrals. .. may Christ use the two of you to save many. [prisoner]

Thanks for your Internet Church. It's always such a blessing to me. You continue to be a great help in my walk with our Lord. God bless you both always.

I am re-reading The Believer's Conditional Security by Daniel D. Corner; what an eye opening work! I was raised in a Calvinistic Christian upbringing, though through the years I have come across the very Scriptures brought out in this finely written book and didn't really know what to do with them in relation to OSAS - now I see. What a call to Holiness and commitment to Christ Jesus this has been for me! I just want to thank you for this book and its vital message! ... would welcome anything which will help me better learn to pass these teachings on to those who are being deceived and lead astray by the OSAS teachers (GA prisoner) The Evangelical Outreach had previously helped me with material on apologetics against Catholic-added traditions not taught in the Bible. I was able to share with a Catholic who later renounced Catholicism. He wants to write a book, "From Catholicism to Christianity." I've also been able to share with other Catholics. What helped me most was understanding what they believed according to Vatican II Council. Recently I've been approached by Jehovah Witnesses of whom some of them confided in me that they themselves disagreed with some of their teachings. I had carefully gained their trust. But they were afraid to brake ties with the organization. I listen to them, take notes, then I inform them that they had much changing doctrine that comes out of the magazines. And that I could not rely on a teaching that continues to change. And I show them those changes. Do you have material (apologetics against Jehovah's Witnesses) or maybe a book that can help me witness to them? ... I have seen 3 Witnesses come out of that organization. They became Christians, born again. ... Thank you! God bless! [NOTE: Additional information was sent to help this person witness to others. Please know that your love offerings enable us to help many more people than we could otherwise, and that you will share in the fruit of our labors for the Kingdom of God.]

... Thank you for your continued work each week. Again when I read some of the harsh rebukes or allegations in the emails I shout out in your defense that I am your biggest fan. Your courage and strength makes us stronger. I Thank God For You!

Your books about eternal security have been a real blessing to me, and I'm probably now the biggest non-OSAS believer in Europe. I'm really on fire about this topic and I go on about this in chat rooms and forums or wherever I can bother people :) I find the idea of osas to be totally horrendous and it makes sense that it seems to multiply in power together with its root in calvinism, these last few years before Jesus returns ... (Sweden)

... Yes it is very sad that there seem to be few true Christians in our day, and the more I read the great truths on your website the more I realize how deceived I was regarding true/false Christians! But every once in awhile you get to be with a truly Godly person who has some encouraging words ... too bad it's not more often! About the Dan 12:3 scripture- God was actually bringing that one to my remembrance to specifically give to you! You're doing an amazing work for him, and your labors are not in vain! ...

... I'm enjoying your website and books immensely, you obviously have an awesome ministry from God! I don't know of anyone else who is expounding the scriptures like you are, and trying to make a difference in the midst of such widespread false teaching and deception etc. I know you are truly one of God's John the Baptist prophets of this day, and I feel very privileged and blessed that God lead me to your ministry! ...

My Prayer: To Brother Dan - That the Lord JESUS will continue to raise your voice like thunder and bring increase and labors to help you carry this work, you are blessed Brother Dan. Great is your reward! Keep Standing against all these wolves in Sheep's clothing ... Also that many will not walk away from God as some in the JW do after being deceived by a Pastor, Teacher or "television wolves". I pray for the unsaved that they may be drawn and that they will repent and embrace the message of the Cross. I pray God raise men and women to serve the one and only true Living GOD! (IN JESUS NAME)

Hello, I have been a believer and follower for almost 8 years now. Until very recently, I have been taught and believed in "Once saved always saved" As I have studied the Word more and more, my beliefs are rapidly changing. Can you have someone contact me with some added information on this subject? I know that I really need to go to my Pastor about this but I really want to have my scriptural ducks in a row first. I would really appreciate any information you can assist me with. I am learning so much, so fast and this subject keeps coming up for me so I need to stay on it until I'm sure. Thank you for your ministry, Blessings,

I did a teaching on a Wednesday night at my church and mentioned that I did not believe in once saved always saved and on Sunday the Pastor came out blazing against what I had said. I kept my cool but I am going to have more respect then he did and give him as much info as possible. I have some on my own but I want more and solid info to pass on to him. I believe this is a great flase teaching that does nothing to encourage believers to stay holy as the Lord told us to....

To Whom It May Concern: I am in deep distress of soul. I was saved many years ago. I am now 70yrs old. I have been a homosexual for all of my life. I recently came back to God. I am struggling for faith to believe. I renounced my former way of life and came running back to God. I am very frightened. I try to read my bible but I cannot retain much of what I read. I recently had rectal polyps removed. The doctor said they were non malignant but I am having trouble having bowel movements. I have medicaid pending and I feel there is something more serious going on with me and they won't do anything until medicaid kicks in. I never stayed with the church long and I've never done much for the Lord. The world is so hostile and people frighten me. I want to glorify God through this but at the same time I am very frightened. I don't want to go to hell. If this be to my death I need to make a thorough confession to God and I don't know how. I pray and I cry out to God but I have no peace in my soul. Please help me to find peace and to let me know that God still cares even now as I am in great distress. Please pray for me. Sincerely


I read your reply and I am very grateful for it. How can I be helped with the utter terror that I feel? As I've said before, I try to read the bible and I can't seem to retain much of it because of this terror I feel. I want more than anything in this world for Jesus to save me from the pit of hell, but I also know there is an enemy to my soul and he torments me night and day and sometimes I can scarcely move I am so frightened. I believe Jesus is the Son of God and that He died for me but I can't seem to get beyond the horror of eternal damnation. Whenever I can't think of how to pray I mutter the name of Jesus over and over again and I cry out for Him to save me. I don't know how to rest in Jesus and allow Him to take over my mind, my heart, my soul. Sometimes I feel like I'm losing my mind. I have been so beat up by life and I hate myself for not staying within the protection of Jesus. To be perfectly frank I don't know how to trust Jesus completely and it scares me very much. I have trouble with Heavenly Father because of my earthly father. He died when I was very young and I felt rejection from the very beginning. I wasn't raised in a christian home and the bible is a new experience for me after being away from God for so long. Can you please have your church members pray for me. I grant you permission to have anyone from your church write and to share with me some of their own experiences and to encourage me. I sincerely want to give my all to God but I have difficulty knowing how to do that. I'm in serious bondage and I need your love and understanding and prayers. Thank you so much for allowing me to pour out my heart. I look forward to your reply. Thank You Sincerely

Dear Rev. Pastor Corner, Greetings in the precious name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. My name is ... I'm a born again Christian ... Living in Germany. After going through the internet, I found your web page so interesting. I want to thank you a million times over for your sermons and most especially for making it possible that The Evangelical Outreach Internet Church available online. I am so blessed and encouraged by them personally. It's amazing! I live in an area where there are no sound congregations. I want to let you know that I'm one of your Christian. I'm leading a house prayer group that the Lord has used me to begin here in Germany and a founder of a ministry in ... with the main goal winning souls for Christ. ... May the Almighty Father who has call us to fight a good fight of faith blessed and anoint you more for His glory. Your sister in Christ Jesus

I am so excited to hear from you!!! I'm sure this isn't Dan but still thank you for the reply! I have already signed up for the emails ... I have been watching every video you have on your youtube account and soaking it all in so that I can too can preach the True Gospel and refute false teaching. I have been going to a baptist church until the pastor visited my house and told me about eternal security. Ever since then I have been looking into and finding that he is a false teacher! I tried to go to church again but was disgusted by their perversion of God's Holy Word. My sunday school teacher flat out said that he could go kill someone tomorrow and stillgo to heaven. Do you have any suggestions for churches? I was looking at going to a ... church. I have read their manual and they seem to believe the True Gospel. Any help would be much appreciated ... God Bless You and thank you so much for helping me. You have no idea how much of a blessing you are to me.

Dear Sirs: Can you send me a copy of the book, "The Believer's Conditional Security" free of charge? I am a Texas prisoner who receives no money at all from any sources ... I want to hear the truth. I'm so sick of what I see in the lives of ones holding an unconditional eternal security position that I'm convinced that that doctrine can't be of God. Respectfully submitted.

Hi!! By the way, I don't think I have told you guys how much your website is changing my life. I started going to [an OSAS website] a couple of years ago, was badly suicidal, and living a deep life of sin after stopping my attendance in church. I was looking into [OSAS] articles and I also started believing in eternal security, until the [web site's] link led me to your site about a month or more back!! When I began reading articles on your site, those scriptural passages that I used to have to twist and turn to fit into a OSAS doctrine became so clear to me. I remember I struggled with those passages the most strongly these past several years, cause I would read about a biblical warning from Jesus or in the letters and I couldn't fit them in the light of OSAS doctrine. And a friend used to tell me our salvation was conditional, and I used to argue with her as if she was a heretic!! Now, I've just told her I am beginning to believe what she used to tell me!!! God bless!! (Singapore)

As I write this letter, I'm listening to your audio message titled, "What's wrong with today's gospel?" over the internet. Though I've listened to it a few times before, listening to it again keeps me reminded how distorted the gospel being proclaimed in our day and by the majority is. I would just like to thank God for ministries such as yours ... It's always tense to read your articles because they're so straightforward and heart penetrating. I remember a couple of months ago back in September of '99 I happened upon your site. Since then I've been a frequent viewer. You help ... steer a soul back to'wards "the narrow gate" - this soul in particular. My prayers are with you, your family, and your furthering out'reach of the biblical gospel. Thank you and thank God!

Dear Fellow-workers, I am a minister in ... I ordered your volu'minous book quite awhile back and I love it. I am so delighted to find such an exhaus'tive work under one cover of this demonic and pervasive security doctrine. It is one of my absolute favorites in my library. Thank you for your outstanding work. I am a minis'ter in a ... church and with a number of Baptists who now attend my church, I have been frequently confronted by this doctrine, which is merely a "license to sin" doctrine. Please keep me on your mailing list. Thanks again for your outstanding work! With sincere appreciation.

I've finished going through The Believer's Conditional Security for the first time. Before I even finished it, I ordered five more copies to give away. Two months ago I believed OSAS, only because that is what I have been taught since I was saved three years ago. My brother in-law challenged me on that doctrine and I took his challenge to heart and started studying. It just so happened that my family moved about this time, so we were still in the process of looking for a new church home. Well, needless to say, my new doctrine regarding the security of the believer is not too well received at any of the churches we had seriously been considering. I had a Pastor over to the house last week and while our debate remained Christian, he eventually told me I would probably do well to visit a Free Will Baptist Church! ... Anyway, my initial research has come up with Free Will Baptists and Naza'rene as two potential candidates that at least do not subscribe to the unconditional nature of the believer's security. Do you know of any others that have otherwise sound doctrine? Are you at all familiar with the two mentioned above? The Nazarenes have a doctrine that I am studying to understand related to ultimate sanctification that is new to me. Any ideas?? I certainly don't want to jump out of the frying pan and into the fire. So we are moving slowly. But we also miss belonging to a local congregation ... Thanks for your work in the Believer's Conditional Security. I am challenging the status quo wherever I can. Folks sure don't like it when you question that doc'trine! Yours in Him.

'Greetings in Christ! I finished your book for the second time, and have to tell you I'm a believer in conditional Security, not Eternal Security. I recently bought Charles Stanley's book Eternal Security, but Im going to throw it away, because I read many excerpts from his book in yours, and they were crazy! Especially the one about the outer darkness being in the Kingdom of Heaven! I have been listening to Charles Stanley for about a year now, and I have heard some other strange things from him, but man, this took the cake! I don't think I will be watching him anymore on TV, and the Internet. If you notice when Charles Stanley preaches about 90% of it is what he says and about 10% of what the bible says. He says, you can sin like the devil and still go to heaven. What a lie! Is that in the bible? NO! I guess like you said in your book, that these people have the title Doctor etc, attached to their names, it almost makes them sound flawless. I wanted to know, about the letters that you sent to Charles Stanley and Hank Hanegraaff Did either one of them respond to you yet? Did you and Hank H. ever have a debate? If so, I would love to hear it! I shared conditional security to a Christian friend of mine last night at work. He got saved in 1998 and I got saved in 1997, and I was telling him about the benefits of fearing the LORD. To take the whole character of GOD, not just the love part of him. GOD is not just a GOD of love, He is a GOD of wrath, and power, and his name isJealous! I have to thank GOD and give him glory that GOD allowed you to write this book through the Holy Spirit guidance! I have learned so much. I have to tell you that your book is making its way around! I recently talked to one of my "Fathers" in the faith, and I remember he used to believe in Eternal Security, but I found out that he read your book about 8 months ago, and is now a believer in Conditional Security! I could not believe it. I wanted to share with him about your book, and he was like, "I have already read that book!" I was like wow! I think EVERY Christian needs to read your book! God bless you!

I thank God for your book ... I have been under the once saved always saved [OSAS] doctrine my entire so-called Christian life. I believed I was saved at age fifteen. I am now 35 years old and have recently been converted by reading your book. The past 20 years have been a real struggle for me. I spent 75% of my nights awake. I went to various doctors and sought counseling for my difficulties sleeping. No doctor could help. I now have had many peaceful nights' sleep over the past 4 months since my conversion. Praise God! Please let me share. I was on my way to the gym when ever so suddenly in my car God convicted me of great sin. He brought most of my sin to my mind over a period of 5 minutes. I wept all the way to the gym. I began to openly confess sins of lying, bitterness, pride, envy, cursing, watching "R" rated movies, etc. to my husband when returning from the gym. I can't express the peace and joy I have experienced since. I truly hunger and thirst for righteousness. Jesus said, "I am the bread of life. He who comes to me shall never hunger and he who believes in me shall never thirst." I drink and eat from this fountain. My brother is John ... whom you are familiar with. He and his wife ... were faithful to pray for me and hand me biblical material. Many of the material or books I never read until John gave me your book. I read it and my eyes were opened! Thank you.

I stand amazed when I think of how God has guided me the past month. I 'gave my life to the Lord' about 8 years ago, but have never really produced fruit. Although I experienced many times when I felt close to God, I never managed to get rid of the sin in my life. When I sought help from the church, asking whether one could become 'unsaved,' they sincerely told me that you could only lose 'rewards' with sin. I tried to rid myself of sin using this incentive of rewards and assurance of salvation, but found to my horror that I plunged straight back into mental sexual immorality with hardly a second thought, thinking I could 'have my cake and eat it,' much to my shame. I be ganto realise that I needed a fear of the Lord, but couldn't understand how you could fear God when you were going to heaven anyway. One day I opened my Bible and set out to look again at the different scriptures with an open mind. I had great difficulty in the passages where believers fell away from the Lord, where branches were cut off and burned, and servants punished and sent outside. That very morning afterwards, a Christian mailing list I subscribed to sent me an article of yours that you apparently gave to their pastor. At first skeptical, I nevertheless had a look at your site -- and found that my questions could finally be answered. It seemed as though the Lord had placed the answer right in my mailbox! A few months ago I was in a great dilemma, wondering whether I was saved or not (seeing that if a person continues to sin, they weren't saved in the first place, according to popular belief) Now I know that my faith was genuine, and that I willfully disobeyed God and fell away. Because of God's work through you, I've now found a real reason to fear and love the Lord. If there's one more thing you could warn people about, it is that mental impurity is as damaging as real acts of sin. I have no doubt that if I had carried on with my fantasies that I would have fallen completely away, my hard heart refusing to repent again. Sometimes I feel that this was one of the last resorts before God left me in the path of destruction I had chosen. Nevertheless, He is slow to anger, and chose in His mercy to search for me, as I know He will do for each of His lost lambs if they are seeking His face. Thank you again for converting a Calvinist to Christ! (Internet)

On a "Praise God" note, my daughter recently became engaged to a wonderful Christian young man. He was raised in the Baptist church and believed in OSAS ... that is until my daughter began confronting him with what the Bible says. He began exploring ... I gave him a copy of your book which he devoured ... he has now made his own pamphlet outlining why OSAS is not scriptural and is using it to challenge others! Praise God! Thank you both for your tireless work in defense of the truth. God Bless You! (WV)

I wanted to thank you for sending me that copy of your new book. I received it last Monday evening and had finished the whole thing by Friday evening! It is wonderful! Thank you for writing such a thorough examination of perseverance and falling away. It has helped me to tell others about the TRUE grace message. As a result, several of my friends are now studying their Bibles more carefully and are asking questions. It has been a God-send. (CA)

Sydney, my husband and I poured over the chapters we were able to print from the book on your website and from these scriptures Sydney decided that OSAS is not what God's Word says. He made the decision to separate ourselves from this assembly which preaches that doctrine. We wait upon the Lord to lead us into an assembly where the Word of God is preached and obeyed. (Barbados)

I received your book. Thanks for all of your help. I repented of my sin and started walking the straight and narrow again and praise God. He has brought blessing after blessing into my life since I acknowledged the truth. You must live the faith as well as know it and what good is it to know and not do. That brings torture. That is where I was. Now I cling to Jesus for dear life cause he is my life and my salvation. Thank you for putting the truth out there for me. God bless you and your ministry. I am counseling with my pastor also. I can't thank you enough. May the God of all comfort and hope bless you personally as well as your ministry. (Internet)

I'm so happy to FINALLY read something that connects with my doubts about "once saved, always saved." All the people that I've talked to have told me that once you're saved, you're saved. But you are the only one who refuted it and rightly so. I was always confused reading the bible and then having people tell me different things. THANK YOU for not sugar-coating the true teachings of the bible. May God bless you! But now I'm a little worried. I was saved many years ago but I never knew what being a Christian was and so I fell away for about 5-6 years! Only since last Christmas have I come back and that was from pure FEAR of God and His judgement. Is there still hope for me? If I repent can I still make it? Please help me out here. (Internet)

[Response: Greetings in JESUS' holy name. YES, you can come back to God. Remember, the Apostle Peter disowned Jesus 3 times and he came back! The rest of the 12 Apostles also "fell away" and they all came back, except Judas! David came back to God after his adultery and murder! YES, [you] can too! Ponder the Prodigal son teaching. There Jesus taught you can stray to the point of spiritual death and still return to the Lord. See Lk. 15:11-32. Other Scriptures confirm this truth:

"My brethren, if any among you strays from the truth and one turns him back, let him know that he who turns a sinner from the error of his way will save his soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins." James 5:19,20
"And they also, if they do not continue in their unbelief, will be grafted in, for God is able to graft them in again." Rom 11:23
The passage in Heb. 6:4-6, was a special case where Jews had to commit eternal sin to return to the synagogue. Hence, they couldn't be renewed through repentance! Please consider getting our 801 page book. There is MUCH in it that you need to know. See Prov. 28:13 and 1 John 1:9 (as well as Heb. 3:14). GOD BLESS YOU.]

Praise the LORD! ... I have been working on my sister for years. She grew up on Charles Stanley and the like in Atlanta, Ga. She had been doubting OSAS [once saved always saved] for quite some time. I gave her husband (a grad. of Moody Bible college) C.E.S. [conditional eternal security] your book. She was shocked, and outraged at Calvin and proceeded to study and look up all the verse references in the rest of the book. Every day she would call me as she read the book with so many different emotions time will not allow me to tell. She has been repenting of her sins and making restitution with people from years back. They got frustrated in their home church and now are attending a Church I recommended (I gave the pastor your book). She was so blessed by the preacher's thunder she can't stop talking about it. Now my sister ... says God is working on her husband ... They have both rejected OSAS and are deep in the fight against it. Now she understands my ministry on campus more .... (GA)

I ordered your book, "The Believer's Conditional Security," several months ago. It has been very helpful since I was raised in the Calvinist tradition and have been a Southern Baptist all my life. My own personal study has led me to abandon Calvinism forWesleyan Arminianism .... I appreciate your commitment to holiness. (Internet)

Hello. I found your site after checking "The Believer's Conditional Security" out from a local seminary library. I have found the book to be an incredible eye-opener. I have always believed in "conditional security," but confess that I have at times in the past two years sought for ways to believe OSAS. I grew up in a very exclusive, legalistic church (an ultra-conservative branch of the ... denomination). Perhaps it was a "knee-jerk reaction" to that works-oriented system that led to want to accept OSAS? Whatever the reason, I've been unable to accept OSAS because of so many scriptures exhorting us to guard ourselves. Your book opened my eyes to the evil acts of people like Calvin and those at Dort in the 17th century. Please send me a catalog and any free pamphlets you can. I am now a member of an evangelical "community church" which believes in conditional security. Please suggest any tapes or books that I could get that might most help me equip myself. Thanks again for your site and book. (TN)

... O how I praise our God for sending a blessing unto me from you. The Believer's Conditional Security book by Daniel D. Corner is more than the answers I've been looking for. It is totally inspirational and has created a new walk with God. I couldn't believe in the once saved always saved (OSAS) mythology, but I couldn't put it all together. It was hard to tell people that security in Christ is conditional, but now it is unfolding before mine eyes as I turn the pages of this book. I thank you dearly for this book, but most of all I thank God that He still works through those who seek for Him and His knowledge like silver and gold. I wish that I had a way to reproduce this book, but that is not possible. Many brothers would love to read it when I'm through reading it, but I'm not just reading it -- I'm studying it and when I get to the end I want to go through it again .... It is very important we preach and teach truth for souls are at stake. You are remembered in my prayers and I ask that you remember me as well that I may speak as boldly as I ought in this perverse place. May God help us all who strive for him. Amen. (FL)

Thank you, Brother Dan Corner, for changing my life with your writings. I am a reformed drug addict formerly headed to hell under the false pretense that my eternal security was rock solid based on a decision I made as an eight year old child. Fortunately, a friend of mine finally got through to me and forced me to reckon with the written word of God. He told me there are three resources from which we all pull doctrinal truth: 1) our imagination; 2) what someone told us; 3) the Word of God. It seemed best for me to choose the Word as my source of doctrinal truth. And according to the Bible, anyone who lives as I did will not inherit eternal life - regardless of a past moment of faith or any lip service. He directed me to the Evangelical Outreach web site for further study ... and my life has changed dramatically as a result of the Spirit of God dealing with me through the truth of His Word ... and I thank you for teaching me the Word from a true and pure stand point. The way you present the gospel is very scary to a man who rides the fence between the pleasures of the world (lust, drunkenness ...) and the church. And it is absolutely appropriate to have a healthful fear of the Lord our God. Thank youfor preaching fearlessly and unashamedly the true grace of our Lord Jesus Christ ... a grace that I will no longer abuse and distort to my own pleasure. I spend about an hour a day reading the Word and listening to it on [the internet], and on your web site listening over and over to the audio sermons and reading the nuggets!!" I love you Dan Corner for using the truth of the Word to "snatch me from the fire." I am eternally grateful and look forward to rejoicing with you and the rest of the brothers and sisters on the other side. (GA)

I I accessed your site, through typing Anti Calvinism, and searching for this information, through my Copernic Plus 99 search engine. I believed in Calvinism for about twenty five years, but I now believe in OSNAS (Once Saved, Not Always Saved), Conditional Eternal Security, Arminianism, and Wesleyan Arminianism, and The True Grace Gospel, Doctrine, and Teaching. Thank you so much for revealing true Christianity to me, which has given me peace at last. Yours in Christ. (Australia)

I have just finished reading your book, The Believer's Conditional Security, and wanted to write to thank you for putting together what has to be the most sincere, scriptural refutation of the once saved, always saved argument. My prayer is that fellow Christians be challenged to read it and search the scripture for themselves and turn from this false and dangerous doctrine.

I have been reading the articles on your website, and have written to you in the past requesting information regarding conditional security. I thank God for your quick response in sending me the information. I have been a Christian for only 10 years, but attended a Baptist Church where the OSAS doctrine was fluent. About 12 months ago, I began 'seeing things' in scripture that seemed to contradict that point of view. Shortly after that, I happened upon your website.

I now know that the Holy Spirit was revealing the truth to me. I have never been more convicted of anything in my life. I have a new found desire to serve our Lord, fear our God and live a Holy life. This has also been a year of change, in that my family and I are no longer in the Baptist Church but have sought a church home that has, as a foundational teaching, the believer's conditional security.

I just wanted to briefly share with you the joy I now have in finding the Truth through your ministry. I encourage you from the bottom of my heart to continue fighting the good fight. I will do everything that I can to circulate your book among my friends. I have already used parts of your material in a home group Bible study that I lead. (If I needed permission first, I humbly apologize and ask your forgiveness -- I was very excited to share what I learned with everyone.) ...

All scripture must be in total harmony as you have so accurately demonstrated in your book ... Once again, I appreciate all your hard work and your obedience to our Lord to earnestly contend for the faith. May our Lord bless you and your ministry. (TX)

I thought Shank's Life/Elect in the Son books were well done, but Believer's Conditional Security is a work of art. I go to a OSAS church, and am surrounded by OSAS brethren where I work. So I am used to being called some of the names mentioned in your book (pp. 622-624). I've often thought our nation's decline can be traced back to OSAS as Brother Ost does. I know from personal experience that one can lose his salvation. When I went astray into adultery, unforgiveness, bitterness, I didn't perceive when the Spirit left me ... but I remember the exact moment the Spirit came back, just as when I first believed. Please send me a sample copy of Fighting The Good Fight and your catalog. (AZ)

I have devoured The Believer's Conditional Security. Great job. I plan on ordering more in the future just to give away. This book has come with a triple blessing to my life. (1) It has all the more confirmed what I already knew. (2) It has further inspired me to reach out more strenously to those entangled in this false teaching, and (3) It has challenged me to make a probing, sober-minded examination of my own heart and soul and look to Christ even more than ever. Thank you for this small revival! God bless you in your ministry. I will pray for you. (CA)

... Although we have not completed Dan's book (we're on page 239), [my wife] and I take turns reading a chapter to the other person and discuss it. What a blessing! It's as if scales have been lifted from my eyes. Now we want copies to share with friends and family. Although [my wife] has believed in conditional security ever since we accepted the gospel in 1974, I have not. We were taught an eternal security gospel in the Pentecostal churches that we attended until 1983. I simply dismissed [my wife's] conditional stance as theological baggage from her Roman Catholic upbringing. In 1983, we fellowshipped with conservative Mennonites on mission work in Canada from states such as Pennsylvania, Iowa, Indiana and Ohio. Those two years really blessed us and opened my eyes to the importance of holy living. I had lived a life that had been a poor example of Christ's nature, all the time believing that nobody's pefect, and I was saved by the blood of Christ since 1974. I have repented and now "work out my faith in fear." Your book has given us a scriptural basis for what we knew to be truth and yet could not defend with any credibility ... (Canada)

I have read 658 pages of your book and I love it. You will never know how grateful I am to you for straightening out my theology concerning the OSAS issue. When reading the deceptions that Charles Stanley and so many of the other Calvinists of our day spew forth, it is as though a thick, heavy, black pall is covering the truth. Once when I was attending a Wednesday night Bible study at a local Baptist Church, the pastor quoted someone who said something to this effect; They filter the word of God through their own particular denomination's system of doctrinal beliefs. How true this is of Charles Stanley and the OSAS crowd. They have fallen prey to seducing spirits and the doctrines of devils. I believe the Apostle Paul would say, Let them be accursed, and John the Apostle would never bid them God speed. Some of their doctrines should be called demoninational because their's are some of the most lethal deceptions that Satan has ever used to poison men's hearts and minds to the truth of God's word.

I cannot believe how they wrest the scriptures to accommodate their beliefs. Whether or not they realize it, they are shouting yes to scriptures such as Rom. 6:15. What then? shall we sin, because we are not under the law, but under grace? God forbid. Gal. 2:17. But if, while we seek to be justified by Christ, we ourselves also are found to be sinners, is therefore Christ the minister of sin? God forbid. (Minus God forbid)

I pray that God will work through you and others who know him to get through to these men and turn them from destructive heresies unto the truth of his word. You are so right when you state that it all began in the Garden, Gen. 3:4. And the serpent said to the woman, Ye shall not surely die.

Why do Calvinists accuse Arminians of works righteousness? Arminians know that works are not the basis for salvation, but the fruit, the proof, the result thereof. Self-righteously relying on one's ability to keep the law to merit eternal life results in spiritual death instead. This is a misuse or misapplication of the law. No man can merit his own salvation for God is no man's debtor. The law teaches us what sin is, it shows us that we are sinners in need of Christ the Redeemer because the wrath of God abides on us, and it teaches us how to love God, our parents, neighbors and everyone else. Love is the fulfillment of the Law. Doing the good works of God is part of the new nature of those who are new creatures in Christ.

These are the principles that I have learned from reading God's word and your book; He forever loves righteousness and forever hates iniquity. (J. Wesley) And, if we obey him, we will inherit all of his promises which include eternal salvation and thus eternal life. If we continue in disobedience, be we believers or not, we will find God faithful in carrying out his most severe warnings and dire threats, for we will be cursed and condemned and thrown into the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone.

I will end with this scripture, Rev. 21:7. He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.

P. S. Thank you for the Apologetics Updates, they are very helpful and I look forward to them. I love you more than you can ever know because God used you to make His word clearer to me. I thank God and you for the light. (VA)

I come from a reformed background and by the providence of God came across your site 3 1/2 weeks ago while looking for material on John Calvin. Needless to say, I was suprised to find your article about him. Well that just started the ball rolling. I downloaded everything you had about your book and started reading. Then I had to get the book into my hands and I'm currently on page 471 and counting.

There are so many people living any way they want and claim to be a christian, but you already know this. Because I come from a o.s.a.s. background all I could tell them was to repent and turn back to God. I could never understand how the Bible plainly said that certain sins would send you to hell and I being told that it wasn't meant for christians. Thank you for helping me to see the truth.

There is alot to tell but I'll save it for now. May our LORD continue to use you for HIS glory! You're in my prayers. (IL)

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